
Research Unit for Materials Development for Efficient Utilization and Storage of Energy

E-USE研究会2023 (E-USE Scientific Meeting 2023)


Date: March 13(Mon)-15(Wed) 2023 (3 days)


Object: Gathering many Japanese & foreign scientists & students of various background and institutions, we will carry out active and thorough discussion on the topics concerning our Reasearch Unit Project, i.e., the current status and prospect of our research contributing to the carbon neutral assessment.


場所:愛媛大学理学部(城北地区 2番町キャンパス) 理学部講義棟3階 S31講義室

Venue: S31-hall (on the 3rd floor at The Lecture Building in The Facuty of Science Campus, Ehime University)

下記のHP中のGoogle mapをご覧いただき、「愛媛大学城北キャンパス」のほぼ中央を南北に走る通りを挟んで東側のキャンパスを拡大して頂くと、「理学部本館」と「理学部2号館」に挟まれた「理学部講義棟」が会場です。

Access: The Lecture Building is located around the center of the campus, the three-storied white building.

理学部へのアクセス | 国立大学法人愛媛大学 理学部 (ehime-u.ac.jp)